Protein Turnover

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Neuron protein half-lives are measured using the dynamic Stable Isotope Labeling in Cell Culture (dSILAC) coupled with bottom-up proteomics technique. This dataset measured the half-lives of a total of 10,792 proteins and 162,854 peptides from human iPSC-derived neurons.

Protein half life


Neuron diagram with a sample protein half-life rank chart

Protein Ranking Based on Half-life

Neuron diagram with a sample protein half-life rank chart
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Curve Fitting

Human iPSC-derived neurons were harvested at 1,2,4,6 days after switching to the heavy amino acid-containing medium. Relative abundances of light peptides were modeled using exponential decay curves, and peptide half-lives were determined through curve fitting. Protein half-lives were calculated based on all unique peptides associated with each protein.

Protein-level chart

Peptide chart

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